Executive Mayor & Speaker
The functions of the Executive Mayor as set out in the Municipal Structures Act are amongst others:
- To recommend to the Municipal Council strategies, programmes and services to address priority needs through the Integrated Development Plan, and the estimates of revenue and expenditure, taking into account any applicable National and Provincial Development
- To recommend or determine the best way, including partnership and other approaches, to deliver those strategies, programs and services to the maximum benefit of the community
- To monitor the management of the Municipality’s administration in accordance with the directions of the Municipal Council
- To oversee the provision of services to communities in the Municipality in a sustainable manner
The functions of the Speaker as set out in the Municipal Structures Act are amongst others:
- To preside at meetings of the Council
- The Speaker must ensure that the Council meets at least quarterly
- The Speaker must maintain order during Council meetings
- The Speaker must ensure compliance in the Council and Council Committees
- The Speaker must ensure that Council meetings are conducting in accordance with the Rules and Orders of the Council
- The Speaker performs the duties and exercises the powers delegated to the Speaker in terms of section 59 of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, 2000 (Act 32 of 2000)