Disaster Management

The Disaster Management Plan

The Disaster Risk Management Centre of the Z.F. Mgcawu District Municipality is the entity responsible for commissioning the first two stages of disaster risk assessments in the municipal sphere. These assessments are important because they inform vulnerability reduction planning for all known priority risks in the municipality as well as contingency planning for such risks. Furthermore, it provides input to Stage 3 and 4 for the management of high-risk developments and to inform the development of specific risk reduction methodologies, development plans, programmes and initiatives.

The Disaster Management Plan (DMP) has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Disaster Management Act, 57 of 2002 (the Act). The DMP establishes the arrangements for disaster risk management within the District and should be read in conjunction with the Z.F. Mgcawu District Disaster Management Framework as well as Provincial and National legislation, policy and guidelines. The Institutional Capacity of the Municipality is a key consideration for disaster risk reduction and management in terms of the key performance areas (KPA) and enablers of the Disaster Risk Management Plan. This living document is a collation of information and inputs received from the different stakeholders and needs to be constantly reviewed and updated.

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