Communication Induction

SALGA in the Northern Cape province, working with the Provincial Communicators Core Team made up of the Office of the Premier (OTP), Government Communication and Information System (GCIS) and (CoGHSTA) hosted a one-day induction and training programme on Government Communication.

This induction focused on the following key areas:

° Government Communication Research.

°Policies that regulate Government Communication.

°Protocol and Etiquette in Government.

°Crises Communication and Media handling skills.

°Interviewing skills for Political Principals

The induction was attended by Mayors, Speakers, Municipal Managers and Municipal Communication Managers from the ZFM District and all the Local Municipalities in the District. Radio Riverside assisted with role-play interviews so that Councillors can practically apply all that they learned during the training.

Uploaded on March 16, 2023, by Martha Manyehe

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