ZFM holds first Council Meeting for 2020
The Council of the ZF Mgcawu District Municipality held its first ordinary Council meeting for the 2020 calendar year. The Council meeting took place on the 30th January 2020 and at this meeting the Council endorsed the Draft Annual Report, the Audit Recovery Plan and the Section 72 Mid Term Performance Assessment Report in terms of the Municipal Finance Management Act.
In terms of Section 55 (2) “a vacancy in the office of the executive mayor must be filled when necessary,” and it is based on this premise that Council is obligated to elect a mayor even in an acting capacity until such time as the position of executive mayor is filled permanently. A formal nomination process ensued and Councillor Maria Maasdorp was elected the Acting Executive Mayor of the ZF Mgcawu District Municipality. During the Council meeting, Councillor Aletta Matshimo was sworn in as a Direct Elected Councillor of the African National Congress filling the vacant position of the late Executive Mayor JJJ Olyn.
The ZF Mgcawu District Council is represented by a variety of political parties, many of whom have a long working relationship with the late JJJ Olyn. All political parties took the opportunity to pass their heartfelt condolences to the Olyn family and friends. Although the meeting was filled with a feeling of loss, Councillors also wished the newly elected acting Executive Mayor strength and courage to fill the big shoes left by her predecessor.
A memorial service in honour of the late Executive Mayor JJJ Olyn had been arranged for the 30th January in Lennertsville and he was laid to rest on the 1st February 2020.