ZFM Environmental Health Tuckshop Evaluations

Environmental health services (EHS) is a function of District and Metropolitan Municipalities in South Africa in terms of Section 32 (1) of the National Health Act 2003 (Act 61 of 2003), as amended and stipulates that “Every Metropolitan and District Municipality must ensure that appropriate municipal health services are effectively and equitably provided in their respective areas.” The National Department of Health is responsible for ensuring the safety of food in South Africa. To this end, the Department promulgated the Regulations Governing General Hygiene Requirements for Food Premises, the Transport of Food and Related Matters in 2018 under the Foodstuffs, Cosmetics and Disinfectants Act (Act 54 of 1972)

The Environmental Health Services of the ZF Mgcawu District Municipality evaluated a number of Tuckshops in the District to determine their levels of compliance with R638. Regulation 638 is applicable to every establishment that handles, prepares, transport and/or sells food to the general public. Accordingly, all such establishments are required to be in possession of valid Certificates of Acceptability (COA). These Regulations require that in all circumstances good food hygiene is practiced in all food premises thereby ensuring that food will not cause harm to the consumer when it is prepared or eaten according to its intended use. The Environmental Health Services have issued the necessary certificates of acceptability after the inspection of the premises, having been fully satisfied that the provisions set out in the regulations been met.

The ZFM District Environmental Health Unit is actively involved in all relevant rapid response team meetings and are an integral part of the District Health system. The ZFM Environmental Health Services continue to heed to the call of President Cyril of ensuring that the curve of the coronavirus is flattened and that the spread of the virus is contained and they do this by ensuring that high standards of hygiene are adhered to by all members of society and business alike. “We are all called upon, at some time in our lives, to make great sacrifices for our own future and for the future of others”- President Cyril Ramaphosa

Uploaded on May 1, 2020, by Web Ateljee

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